Branding for Busaba, a Thai restaurant chain. The
flower logo alludes to the fact that ‘Busaba’ can
mean ‘flower’ in Thai. The petals of the flower logo
are heart-shaped, drawing on an important
Buddhist philosophy that informs Busaba’s culture:
‘sookjai’, meaning ‘happy heart’.
Branding for Busaba, a Thai
restaurant chain. The flower logo
alludes to the fact that ‘Busaba’
can mean ‘flower’ in Thai.

The petals of the flower logo are
heart-shaped, drawing on an
important Buddhist philosophy
that informs Busaba’s culture:
‘sookjai’, meaning ‘happy heart’.
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Sign1
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Window
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Tastbuddhism Portrait
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Menu 1
We also introduced a library of
patterns that draw inspiration and
colours from Busaba’s vibrant
sauces, visualising the harmonious
mix of flavours.
We also introduced a library
of patterns that draw inspiration
and colours from Busaba’s
vibrant sauces, visualising the
harmonious mix of flavours.
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Marbling1
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Patterns 5
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Patterns 8
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Menu2
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Patterns 6
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Patterns 10
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Menu3
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Menu 4
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Guidelines 2
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Guidelines 1
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Guidelines 4
Paul Belford Ltd Busaba Guidelines 3